Jetzt zur Oikos-Winterschool „X-Change” anmelden

9 Dez.. 2014 | Archiv

Die 11. oikos Winter School lädt dazu ein, sich vom 23. – 27. Februar 2015 mit folgender Frage auseinanderzusetzen: Überall auf der Welt bringt Handel die Menschen zusammen. Wie können wir durch diese Begegnung eine nachhaltigere Gesellschaft möglich machen? Welche Rolle spielen neue Geld- und Handelskonzepte bei dieser Gestaltung?

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Money and trade is connecting people all over the world. In everyday life, we do not question our modes of transaction through money and trade – we take them to be grown all naturally and as if there were no alternatives. But is that really the case? This is the question we are asking at the next oikos winter school with the theme, „X-Change – Sustainability through money and trade”. We invite you to be part of the 11th oikos Winter School from February 23-27th 2015. It would be the perfect platform for fostering novel ways of driving businesses & rethinking of orthodox outdated economic theory. Meet highly innovative startups that are doing socially and ecologically sustainable business. Discuss new money concepts with prominent scientists. Work in an international team of creative minds. This is your opportunity, grab it!